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Infinite Joe

I like challenging books that make you think, and leave you happy that you did. Typically, I find character driven literary fiction the most satisfying, although I in no way think of myself as a serious literary critic.

Currently reading

Unaccustomed Earth
Jhumpa Lahiri
Progress: 282/333 pages

Portnoy's Complaint

Portnoy's Complaint - Philip Roth A crude and hilarious book about Jewish guilt, and personal guilt in general, involving base male emotions and the struggle against them. At times I was disgusted, at others I was laughing out loud, and sometimes I was doing both, whether it be the scene with the skidmarks in Portnoy's underwear, his mom's strategy in teaching little Portnoy how to pee standing up, or especially the scenes involving raw liver. But throughout, the book is human, albeit male, and a lot of fun to read.

7 out of 10.

The third book I've read by Roth, and I'll be sure to read more.