3.5 stars (I was going to give it a 4, but I see I gave her other books 3.5’s, and I seem to remember liking them all about the same, so to keep things consistent, I’ll stick with a 3.5)
Life isn't easy. And long the way, we invariably make poor decisions and hurt others in the process. Some people lash out and spiral out of control, and some people withdraw completely, both taking the easy way out. Others, however, attempt to plow through and lead their lives the best they can, as a way to atone for their faults, both past and present. This often is the more difficult and complicated route, and one that Amy Homes explores in this book.
The characters were nicely developed, each with their own personalities and quirks, and I felt the “plot” (use the term loosely) moved along nicely. Mixing ‘funny’ and ‘insightful’ into a soup of endearing dysfunction, I think the book delivered well. I could have done without the “cellular memory” scene towards the end of the book, due to both its pseudo-scientific premise, and it being completely unnecessary, but now I’m just being picky.